There are estimated to be over 48,000 species of
plants and about 17,500 species of angiosperms (flowering plants) in India, which constitute some 6-7
percent of the total plant species in the world.India is one of the 12 megadiversity centers of the world with two hotspots in western ghats and north east.
according to the botanical survey of india in
2021 the plant diversity of india stands at 54
733 taxa including 21849 angiosperms 82 gymnosperms
1310 pteridophytes 2791 bryophytes 2961 lichens,
15504 fungi 8979 algae and 1257 microbes.
Books on plants in
Lotus is the official flower of india
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Gardenig has been popular in India since
ancient times. References of gardens date back to
the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata
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Location of india
.India lies on the Indian
Plate, the northern portion of the Indo-Australian
Plate, whose continental crust forms the Indian
subcontinent. It is situated north of the equator
between 8°4' and 37°6' north latitude and 68°7' and
97°25' east longitude. India is in south asia